Monday, 28 November 2011


The whole idea of big brother is commonly referenced in all forms of media whether we notice or not. Whether you're a music junkie, a TV addict, or a video game enthusiast there are ideas of 1984 commonly derived and implemented into whatever your pleasure may be.

For example, each decade that goes by there are more and more movies that are in direct relation. The show "Big Brother" is as blatant as it gets with that name, all the guests on the show are under constant surveillance. Below is a clip from a more recent movie reference, in the actual movie a reporter actually says that "big brother is watching"

In the world of gaming believe it or not BIG BROTHER IS STILL WATCHING... in one of the early releases of Call of duty (modern warfare 2) there is a direct reference if you completed the "no secrets" challenge..

Challenge: "No Secrets" - Call in 3 UAV's in one game.


Last but not least there have been various references in music directly to 1984.
It may not be YOUR own taste in music but it is music none the less.
take the legendary Stevie Wonder for example.

"Your name is big brother
You say that you're watching me on the tele,
Seeing me go nowhere,
Your name is big brother,
You say that you're tired of me protesting,
Children dying everyday,
My name is nobody
But I can't wait to see your face inside my door.

Your name is big brother
You say that you got me all in your notebook,
Writing it down everyday,
Your name is o'erseer,
I'll change if you vote me in as the pres,
The President of your soul
I live in the ghetto,
You just come to visit me 'round election time.

I live in the ghetto,
Someday I will move on my feet to the other side,
My name is secluded, we live in a house the size of a matchbox,
Roaches live with us wall to wall,

You've killed all our leaders,
I don't even have to do nothin' to you,
You'll cause your own country to fall."

1 comment:

  1. This looks like you made it work. It's a good effort, though. Solid.
