Thursday 24 November 2011

1984 had a lot of high profile totalitarian examples. After studying Fahrenheit 451,1984, & animal farm, it really leads you to wonder how our own society presses false morality and bogus information.

1984 has "Big Brother" always watching you, being a citizen of Oceania is like living life on a conveyor belt, everything was straight forward and repeated each day. You would never have to watch your back because big brother was doing it for you, but one slip up or mishap (God forbid you speak while your asleep) then you will be inevitably punished and/or vaporized from existence. Like wise, in a metaphoric manner, The Animal farm was a dictatorship ran by a bunch of pigs, with a pack of dogs as reinforcement. The other animals like horses, sheep, you were as lowly and unimportant as one of the proles of Oceania.

In all both 1984 and Animal Farm, the higher powers had the ability to tell you what is and what isn't no matter how falsified or fabricated the "fact" may be. For example in 1984 they would edit all documents, better known as "rectifying", so if the chocolate rations were dropping from 30 to 25, they would simply publish that the chocolate ration had gone UP from 20 to 25 instead. If they told you that 2+2 equaled to 5, then you had no choice but to accept. Just like in Fahrenheit 451  the chief of the firemen asked Montag a question along the lines of, if the government outlawed mowing your lawn then what would you do? & he replied let the grass grow. Not because he believed in it, but because he HAD to.

 The Government would tell you that your living like this:

When in reality your living like this:

Don't forget...

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