Sunday 4 December 2011

Police using electronic devices/media to track people

Unsurprisingly, the more access and innovations of technology that is being force fed to us day by day can all be used as a gift and a curse. If we felt like we were being monitored closely before, we are now willingly publicizing our own personal information via facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Myspace, or whatever you may have. Though it may not be common knowledge, police can and have been easily accessing our information, whether they are looking up our facebook for information on parties or if they are searching through GPS records to see where we have been, or where we are going. In Wisconsin about 2 years ago, some students had posted up pictures of themselves partying and drinking on facebook, no big deal right? turns out they were underage. When one of the party going students received a friend request from a random girl on facebook, he thought nothing of it (assuming he had met her at a party or something) little did he know this supposed girl was a police officer. Not long after this mystery woman was on his facebook, he received a call from the police asking for him to come down to the station, once there the police pressured him into getting all of his friends down there as well so they can receive underage drinking tickets due to the pictures on facebook.

As technology continuously advances and becomes more intricate, it has crucial benefits for us, but for all the good it can provide us, we have to think about the downside as well, just like the example above. For instance, we have crazy apps and systems that are in our smart phones, iPhone for example, we can track down our phone and pin point it's location if someone had stolen it or if you had lost it. If the tables turn, you can easily be monitored. There is, factually, an iOS file on the iPhone called "consolidated.db" which is pretty much hidden, but when it comes down to it it can be accessed at any point by the government for investigation purposes (supposedly ONLY for that). Your iPhone is literally tracking you,  it has your literal longitude and latitude co-ordinates on it AND it can tell what time your were at that place. Big brother REALLY is watching you.

See what I did there? Apple? APPLE? ^^

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